Thanks for visiting the JOEYSCHWEITZER blog. Right now it's pretty basic and there's not really much to look at. In your boredom you may want to look at the JOSHUASCHWEITZER blog.
Hey Josh, If you wanted to write a good script for me, I would be very appreciative. I'm mastering some new techniques for a smoother flow of camera. I also learned how to make my mic sound better and more crisp. Take your time. Thanks.
Welp! Another day. Woke up this morning, did some schoolwork, then went to piano from 2:30-4:00. Chilled around the house for about an hour, then watched Junior Team Canada lose in the championship. In my depression I decided to work out for an hour before Eli got off work. Saving mom a trip. Now I'm watching some Hogan's Heros with the fam.